09.10.2020 (五) & 10.10.2020 (六) 7:30PM
11.10.2020 (日) 2:30PM
上環文娛中心劇院 Theatre, Sheung Wan Civic Centre
This programme is approximately 2 hours 15 minutes without intermission.
Performed in Cantonese and English with bilingual surtitles.
Suitable for ages 6 or above.
華人流散異地,往往以食謀生,只求下一代出人頭地,飛出廚房。英國長大的Helen已是執業律師,偏偏逆其道而行,毅然放下高薪厚職,拿起鑊鏟,鑽研祖傳珍味,原來餸菜背後不只百味紛陳,還有家族蜿蜒曲折的流徙歷程,令Helen重新品味自己既中且英的雙重身世,並且寫下回憶錄《Sweet Mandarin》。
原著作者Helen Tse於2014年獲頒大英勳章,表揚她對英國飲食界的貢獻,同年出版的食譜《Dim Sum》榮登《時代雜誌》暢銷榜。2006年,她把親身經歷與家族歷史寫入《Sweet Mandarin》,風行三十多個國家。《流徙之女》於2015年首演,並曾於2018年獲邀到上海1862時尚藝術中心「香港演出月」演出。
“You want to be a chef, instead of a lawyer?!”
Helen’s father is stunned. Catering is probably the most common business in the overseas Chinese community. The older Chinese generation labors day and night in order to free their younger generation of the chore of the kitchen. Helen, a British born Chinese, against all expectation leaves her lawyer job to set up her own restaurant. She discovers that her family cuisines are not only tasty but also full of dramatic stories, spanning almost a hundred years and crossing from Guangzhou via Hong Kong to England.
Helen Tse was awarded MBE for her contribution to the food and catering industry in UK in 2014. Her latest cookbook Dim Sum became a Times bestseller. In 2006, she put the remarkable journey of her family and her own into Sweet Mandarin, which was published in 33 countries to great acclaim. Pants Theatre Production’s Sweet Mandarin premiered in 2015, and was featured in Hong Kong Theatre Month in Shanghai 1862 Theatre.
Diaspora is derived from Greek, which means “I scatter”, a state of being torn between one’s roots and feeling alienated in a foreign culture. Hong Kong is unique in its geographical and historical background, being the point of contact between east and west for 150 years. Hong Kongers’ identity was shaped during the colonial period and continues to change in the post-colonial era. Where is our root? Where do we belong?
原著 Original Author:
Helen Tse
編劇 Playwright:
鄭廸琪 Cheang Tik Ki
導演 Director:
胡海輝 Wu Hoi Fai
演員 Actors:
蘇育輝 Ben So、
王曉怡 Wong Hiu Yee、
高少敏 Ko Siu Man、
羅正心 Law Ching Sum、
譚安婷 Tam On Ting*、
袁巧穎 Yuen Hau Wing
監製 Producer:
潘藹婷 Poon Oi Ting
助理監製 Assistant Producer:
陳釘 Danver Chan
編舞及形體指導 Choreographer and Movement Director:
呂沅蔚 Lui Yuen Wai
助理編舞及形體指導 Assistant Choreographer and Movement Director:
廖向民 Liu Heung Man
佈景及服裝設計 Set & Costume Designer:
孫詠君 Suen Wing Kwun
助理佈景及服裝設計 Assistant Set & Costume Designer:
趙婉妏 Giu Yuen Man
燈光設計 Lighting Designer:
鄭可聆 Cheng Hoe Ling Sarah
作曲及音響設計 Composer & Sound Designer:
何子洋 Ho Tsz Yeung
* The Artistic Internship Scheme is supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council
T 2419 9006 | F 2419 9789 | E info@pants.org.hk