流徙三部曲- 《Gweilo》
靈感源自Martin Booth回憶錄Gweilo
15-16.04.2016 (FRI-SAT) 8:00PM
16-17.04.2016 (SAT-SUN) 3:00PM
18.04.2017 (MON) 8:00PM
21-23.04.2016 (THU-SAT) 8:00PM
23-24.04.2016 (SAT-SUN) 3:00PM
香港話劇團黑盒劇場 HKRep Black Box
(上環文娛中心8樓 8/F, Sheung Wan Civic Centre)
$220(不設劃位 Free Seating)
In Cantonese & English with bilingual surtitles.
Promotion clip 1: https://youtu.be/fi-B82NZYYU
Promotion clip 2: https://youtu.be/bgZ361i13PM
靈感源自Martin Booth回憶錄Gweilo
/ 殖民地小島上 一個金髮小孩的成長曲 /
Gweilo是Martin Booth的自傳。隨著父親被英軍調駐來港,Martin Booth在五十年代初來到這片殖民地異域,適逢這城市起步騰飛發展,不同文化的衝擊見證著Martin長大成年。Martin Booth寫下此回憶錄前,本身已是成名作家,2002年他腦部確診出現腫瘤,促使他回顧自己的童年往事,以真摯細膩的筆觸寫下Gweilo,書成後不久,他與世長辭,留下這本備受讚譽的傳記。
雖然香港已脫離殖民地身份十多年,但是有了過去的歷史,才會形成我們今天的身份。多年殖民歷史中,還有不少人有類似Martin Booth的經歷,我們將以Gweilo為藍本,蒐集其他相關故事,對照豐富原著,重新創作一齣雙語獨腳戲,以一個金髮小孩的目光,再現香港獨特的殖民地發展。
Inspired by Martin Booth’s Gweilo
/ The rite of passage of a golden boy in colonial Hong Kong /
Renowned novelist Martin Booth came to settle in British colony Hong Kong in the 50s when his father was assigned here by the British army. His childhood coincided with how this city grew to be one of the most prosperous metropolises in the world. He has a direct experience of East meeting West. In 2002 he was diagnosed brain cancer, which induced him to write a memoir of his unforgettable relationship with this Eastern gem. He died shortly after he finished Gweilo.
Although Hong Kong is no longer a colony, this history is part of our present identity. In the last hundred years, there have been a number of people with similar experience of Martin Booth. Based upon Gweilo, we will look for similar stories to enrich the original story and create a new bilingual solo performance and examine the distinctive colonial history of Hong Kong through the lens of a golden boy.
場次:16. 04. 2016, 15:00
嘉賓:香港大學歷史系教授、《香港簡史》作者 Prof. John Carroll 高馬可教授
場次:16. 04. 2016, 20:00
嘉賓:英殖香港物品收藏家譚志成先生 Mr. Juston TAM
場次:21. 04. 2016, 15:00(學生專場)
嘉賓:海濱文化導賞會代表吳力波先生 Mr. NG Lik Bor
Creator and Director: Wu Hoi Fai
Creator and Performer: Micah Sandt
Set and Costume Designer: Vanessa Suen
Lighting Designer: Zoe Cheung
作曲及音響設計:Jacklam Ho
Composer and Sound Designer: Jacklam Ho
T 2419 9006 | F 2419 9789 | E info@pants.org.hk