Pants Theatre Production acts as the catalyst to produce works that reflect and respond to the Hong Kong society. We believe that theatre can be the witness of our time, as well as advocating changes for a better world. Your support will help us grow and develop in diverse aspects.
一條褲製作於2015年6月正式成為《稅務條例》第 88 條獲豁免繳稅的慈善機構,捐款HK$100 或以上可獲收據申請扣稅。
Pants Theatre Production is registered as a charitable institution which is exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Your donation of HK$100 or above will qualify for tax deduction.
捐款 HK$500 或以上者:我們將於同年的各演出場刊中作特別鳴謝
Donations of HK$500 or above will be acknowledged in our house programmes of the year.
捐款 HK$100 或以上者:將獲發捐款收據申請扣稅
Donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible with the official donation receipt.
You are welcome to make your donation by fill in the donation form below.
Thank you for your support!
T 2419 9006 | F 2419 9789 | E info@pants.org.hk